Oklahoma City Symphonic Band

Amazon Smile

As a 501c3 organization, we have the privilege of teaming up with Amazon to receive charitable donations via COHC members' and friends' Amazon purchases. Do you order from Amazon? If so, we'd love it if you would order through Amazon Smile and select us as your charity of choice.
How it Works:
Amazon donates 0.5% of the price of your eligible AmazonSmile purchases to the charitable organization of your choice.
AmazonSmile is the same Amazon you know. Same products, same prices, same Amazon Prime benefits.
Support your charitable organization by starting your shopping at smile.amazon.com.
How to Order:
Type in "Oklahoma Concert Band Foundation Inc" and select search. Choose us!
Shop like normal.
The next time you place an order through Amazon Smile we will already be your charity of choice so you will not need to do anything but shop. In addition, your wishlists and other items carry over from the traditional Amazon site so we'd love it if you would make us your new Amazon bookmark permanently. Thank you for supporting us in this way!
Shop Amazon Smile Now