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Oklahoma City Symphonic Band

Oklahoma City Symphonic Band Rehearsal Schedule
Band rehearsals will be at Western Heights HS or Oklahoma City University. Western Heights HS is at 8201 SW 44th St, Oklahoma City, OK 73179. The band room is on the northwest side of the campus. It is in a new fine arts building that has a large amphitheater style corner that is easy to spot. Rehearsals or performances at Oklahoma City University will be in the Wanda L. Bass School of Music at 2501 N Blackwelder Ave, Oklahoma City, OK 73106.
All rehearsals are from 7:15-9:15pm unless otherwise noted.
January 7, 14, 21, 28, and Feb 4, 11 and 18 at Western Heights.
February 24 - Petree Recital Hall - Monday Dress Rehearsal
February 25 - Petree Recital Hall - Tuesday Concert at 7:30pm, Call Time 6:30pm
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